Wednesday 26 August 2015

History - A short history of early childhood education ( ECE figures with their theory/ideology )

In my course, we use psychology theories as our guideline during teaching-learning process with children. It will somehow help creating something new and does not necessarily need to follow the theory theories. We as an educator need to be more creative in creating the teaching-learning process for the children and not just following the same method of teaching.

As for me I like to refer to Jean Piaget and Albert Bandura theories as my guideline in being more creative to create the best way for the children learning process. 

This is Albert Bandura, he was born in 1925. He is one of the psychology theories, he has been responsible for contribution to the field of education and to many fields of psychology and that includes social cognitive theory and also was influential in the transition of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Albert Bandura is most famous with his influence in "Bobo Doll" experiment.

The bobo doll is to experiment how the children will react after seeing the adults behavior. Some of the adult will show some bad behavior and some will show the good behavior towards the bobo doll. After observing the adults actions, they subconsciously will follow the behavior. From there we could see that the children can learn by imitating an action and behavior that they have observe before.

Jean Piaget is famous for his Cognitive Development theory. There are four(4) stages of Piaget's cognitive development. Sensory-motor stages (0-2 years), Pre-operational stages (2-7 years), Concrete Operational stage (7-11 years) and Formal Operational stage (11 years - adulthood).

Sensory motor stage is an understanding of the infant about the world by coordinating sensory experience with physical action. For example, mouthing, sucking, smelling and looking. Children understand that object are both separate from self and permanent. This is one of the most important infants accomplishments. Example that we can see is that when the children toy is blocked from their view, they will not search for it. After a few month of experiencing the same thing, the child are able to search for their toy due to reflecting the presence of object permanence.

In pre-operational stage the child began to represent the world with words. Egocentrism is present and magical beliefs are constructed. It is an inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else perspective.

Concrete operational stage has becoming the part where the children can think logically and classify objects into different sets. Children uses logical operations to solve problems. Conservation is the idea that altering and object or substance's appearance does not change its basic properties. It involves recognition that the length, number, mass, quantity, weight and volume of object and substances are not changed by transformation that merely alter their appearance.

Formal pre-operational is an adolescents begin to think more as a scientist thinks, devising plans to solve problems and systematically testing solutions.

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